Just over two weeks ago, the Lord spoke to me about two significant signs that were about to occur in Australia. At that time, there was NO indication WHATSOEVER these things were going to occur, however, they are now coming to pass. The significance of these signs is they are indications of and will usher in the next move of God in this nation. When these things occur, we will know we are entering this next move of God.
The first sign is there will be another major re shuffling of the Australian Government. The Lord said He is about to directly (sovereignly) intervene to re arrange parliament. He will replace those He does not want in parliament with those He wants in parliament. Those who should not be there with those who should be there. Those who should not have a position and who took their positions by deceptive, unjust means, with those who have truly been chosen for a position in parliament. One of the reasons is to prepare the nation for the next move of God by removing those who will be a hindrance to or who will oppose it and replacing them with those who will not (A Christian leader and Christian leaders).
The second sign is the Lord will break the natural drought in Australia. The natural drought is a sign or consequence of the spiritual drought in this land. The Word of God reveals a natural drought was usually a sign of a spiritual drought and occurred when a nation turned from God. Whenever God’s people (the Israelites) turned form God, it was usually followed by a natural drought as a consequence of their disobedience. However, the breaking of a drought was a sign either God’s people repented or God was sovereignly moving in the land. This is EXACTLY what is happening and what is about to happen in Australia - God is about to sovereignly move in this land to bring revival to a nation that has, by enlarge, turned from God. I call ALL believers to pray and intercede for God's will to be done in these situations.