UNITE AUSTRALIA (July Monthly Prayer and Intercession Meeting)

Another AMAZING UNITE AUSTRALIA monthly intercessory meeting last night! The presence of God was there again in love, power and glory to speak, touch, deliver, heal, restore and transform! There were POWERFUL manifestations of the Holy Spirit, words of knowledge, prophecies, intercessions and answers to prayer. It’s so beautiful to see pastors, leaders and believers uniting to pray and intercede for each other, the Church, Australia and the world. This is TRULY God’s will and how it’s meant to be. You could feel how pleased God was and He spoke through prophetic words to express and confirm it. A big THANK YOU to everyone who obeyed God to attend or join online to pray and intercede together. The next UNITE AUSTRALIA MONTHLY INTERCESSORY MEETING will be on Tuesday the 2nd of August. Can’t wait for it! See you then! #uniteaustralia #julymonthlyintercessorymeeting #5thofjuly


UNITE AUSTRALIA (January 2022 Prayer and Intercession Meeting)