Proverbs 29:18 (KJV), “Where there is no vision, the people perish...”
Habakkuk 2:2-3, 2 “Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets (communicate it), that he may run who reads it. 3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” (Parenthesis added).
The vision of Unite Australia is threefold,
To initiate and encourage true, biblical, lasting unity within the Body of Christ
In order to work together to bring revival and unite the lost to The Father and Jesus Christ, by the Holy Spirit through salvation
As a result, to bring in the last days harvest of souls in Sydney, New South Wales and Australia
Unite Australia is a unification, prayer and revival movement whose vision is to initiate and encourage true, biblical, impacting and lasting unity in the Body of Christ as a foundation and catalyst for united prayer and intercession that will usher in the coming move of God and revival in Sydney, Australia and the world.
Unite Australia is a call to the Body of Christ, especially in Sydney, not only to unite in prayer and intercession but to work together and to support and build one another up in the love of God.
When the Lord started Light of the World Ministries Church in July 1997, one of the first things He said to me was, “This ministry will be established upon prayer and intercession.” And “Nothing significant will be done in and through this ministry unless its through prayer and intercession.” Not long after, He told us to commence our monthly intercessory meetings at Toongabbie hall every first Tuesday of the month. Sometime after, He told me about the revival coming to Sydney/Australia and this monthly intercessory meeting becoming a catalyst for or means by which He will prepare the atmosphere, people’s hearts and the nation for this coming move of God and revival – in other words, prayer and intercession must precede and be the foundation of this revival and will actually help bring it. He revealed to me as we obey Him to continue holding these meetings and praying and interceding for it, He will be faithful to bring the people and continue bringing more people until there are so many, we will have to hold these meetings in a stadium (stadiums).
Then I saw a vision of the stadiums filled with people (pastors, leaders and believers) praying and interceding for the city and nation and as they did, God released revival and visited the nation in a similar way as, and in an even more powerful way than He did in the book of Exodus and the book of Acts. Then I saw those same stadiums filled with the lost being saved, delivered, healed, restored and transformed. I saw so many people, the stadiums became too small for the multitudes who then flowed out onto the streets where the meetings continued.
The Lord revealed to me this coming revival will occur in three key stages. Unite Australia is the first stage of this process, commencing with a prayer and intercession movement and raising a call for the body of Christ to unite in prayer and intercession to pray in this revival. Within this first stage we will also see three key stages, as I mentioned above,
Firstly, the stadiums will be filled with pastors, leaders and believers praying and interceding for this revival.
Secondly, as a result or after this, the stadiums will be filled with the lost being saved, delivered, healed, restored and transformed and
Thirdly, the stadiums will become too small to accommodate the numbers which will then flow out onto the streets.
In addition, not only will we need to concentrate on getting people saved but to disciple them once they are. Which means directing them to the different churches and ministries all over Sydney to work together to disciple each of these precious souls. We will then see the Body of Christ multiply greatly again as we see in the book of Acts and churches filled again to capacity as a result.
Basically, the Lord is raising this prayer movement to prepare the way – the atmosphere, people’s hearts, the Church, the nation and the world for the coming move of God, revival and harvest of souls.